Thoughts of friends and loved ones circle through our consciousness...

In this challenging time, they seem to pop up arbitrarily, and with more frequency, triggered by the link to a time, or a place, or a business. Today for instance, I received a note from my bank, just a mass mailing sent to all their customers, I assume… about changing hours etc…but as the name of the bank popped up on the screen, I immediately thought of the kind, sweet gentleman at that bank who has helped me wire funds over to France for the last three years, where my granddaughter is attending school. He was originally from France, which turned out to be something he shared in our conversations — how appropriate that coincidentally, I should land at his desk on that first “wiring” day!

My friend at the bank was recently promoted to a higher position within the organization, so I don’t get to see him often. (Fortunately too, I finally learned how to do the wiring on-line.) But I pray he is safe and well…and wished I could tell him so today. There are so many people out there, that normally we would be seeing from day to day - colleagues, certain clerks we share smiles and greetings with at our favorite Trader Joe’s, or even someone we might have met years ago and don’t get to see day to day. I received a note today from a dear lady and her husband I had met on one of my bicylcing adventures, with a little companies that sets up bicycling tours in other parts of the world. It was so good to hear from them, to feel that re-connection — and to be assured that for the moment, they are safe across the miles in their Atlanta, GA home.

I am moved to pick up the phone, or head for the keyboard, or check friends’ status on Facebook these days… just to let all the people that have landed in my life along the way know that they are special to me, precious to me…that I love them and pray for their safety and well-being.

Sally Stevens