There is beauty in every moment...
We just have to take the time to look for it. And that becomes harder these days, even when we are blessed, safe and warm in our own homes — when all around us are cautionary, floating bits of informatiom that seem helpful in the daylight, but in the middle of the darker midight hours, can circle back and trigger the “what if” moments.
I’ve had a couple of those nights. And I’ve also had the heart-breaking moments when, on my way along the now-mostly-deserted streets to pick up “curbside” food orders (and support my favorite restaurants as we’ve been encouraged to do) —I pass a homeless person bundled up as best they can be, asleep on a bus stop bench, or leaning against a wall on a shaded stretch of sidewalk, their whole world of belongings piled next to them. I finally have come to understand that I cannot take care of them all, each one - I, this one person, me. I can contribute where I can, I can say a prayer with each passing, that somehow they are granted safety and protection by a higher power, who can grant that. I can support the amazing people who ARE trying to take care of the homeless— through shelters, bagged lunches, outreachs from those who know best how to do that. I have tried on occasion to lend help directly, and have been touched by the gracious responses.
I can be grateful, so grateful, for all the people out in the world who are keeping it running right now - of course the health workers are brave angels. But so are the people guiding us through the grocery store, keeping the lights and phone and water and internet up and running, delivering our mail, delivering our on-line orders…the journalists who are showing up to ask questions and report the news as authenticatedly as they can.
And finally now, let us get to the beauty…there is so much beauty as Spring unfolds before our eyes — the sight of sunlight glistening off leaves in the garden, through the window by my desk…the roses just now opening up their colors and fragrances…the wild birds who have learned in the last few days that if they show up on the patio they will find the tray of birdseed refilled…the gurgling sound of the fountain in the garden…the bright magenta azalias just now coming into bloom (each day the bushes get brighter and more intense). And there are the faces of friends - the opportunities we still have to stay in touch - Zoom, Facetime. How amazing all that can be at a time like this. This planet is a most beautiful, amazing, magnificent place. I pray that going forward we might take better care of it. Then it will take better care of us.