DAY THREE of Poetry Month...When you consider...
When you consider the myriad of mysteries; that the tones of creation do not always harmonize, but send the gentle and beautiful, the sound of stillness, against the cry of wolves;
When you consider that good and evil live side by side, that fire and fury fall from mountain tops where billows of smoke and boiling lava buried creatures’ caves and fragrant blooms that somehow live to bloom again;
When you consider peaceful rivers and rising oceans that overflow, but within them survive idyllic creatures, pearls, food for fishermen’s families, secrets that heal;
When you consider the tongues of many, the gifts of cultures that somehow fail to find mutual understanding but have held the answers needed across miles and seas and years, and somehow over the centuries have managed to find their way to daylight;
When you consider that cultures have created their own Gods from the beginning of time, and may likely continue to do so,
Then we know the Author has created a story that is still unfolding, one we may not fully understand and should perhaps not try to explain, but instead just accept, with thanks.
©Sally Stevens 2019