Blog Vs Facebook Post...

I have set up a Writer’s website, where in truth it’s probably more appropriate for me to share my thoughts and opinions than it is to share them on my Facebook page. I may be taking a step back from Facebook though it’s a wonderful way to stay in touch with out of town family, and friends whosse paths don’t as often cross with mine these days.

The website is not complete yet, in that there are not yet links there to published works, of which I’m happy to be able to say there are about 12 or so - fiction, poetry, essay, or Pod-cast humor… but no books of my own yet…I”m working on that!

So if you’re interested, please do visit: - Hopefully some links will be up as soon as I figure out how to do that!

Meanwhile, all these profound opinions and thoughts will probably land here instead of on my Facebook page. Just finished an ineresesting phone conversation with a friend about the elections going on here in LA, the various issues. And that came on the heels of a MOST interesting article that was included in the most recent edition of The Atlantic magazine. I’m going to post a link to the article here. Copy and past it.. It’s rather lengthy, but I think you’ll find it interesting and informative. And a bit scary…

Sally Stevens