Amazing how quickly the days float by...
In this time of little or no schedules for most of us - the ones who are not dedicating their lives on a daily basis to keep the world running — it continually surprises me that at the end of the day, my “to do” list is still not all checked off. There are things I plan to do that somehow remain on the list, and I instead do manage to get the trash taken out, and create a recipe (French Crepes this morning) and walk my dog, and send notes to friends who during this strange time pop into my mind…or solve a problem without the proper equipment normally required to solve it. In these times we must be creative…
For instance, I have discovered that if you have a creaky door hinge that drives you crazy, and you don’t have the right kind of oil with which you’d normally take care of it, and you can’t immediately run out to the hardware store for your curb pickup —you can use (tah-dah)— Cuticle Oil. Yes folks, there is a place for cosmetology in today’s world.
I also somehow managed to loose the little spring on the garden shears that creates the pressure between the two blades on the garden shears that allows them to work. Have not been able to creatively solve that problem. I’ve looked everywhere for it. Can’t remember in which room or at which moment I might have dropped the shears and caused that piece of spring to disengage and roll beneath some dust-laden piece of furniture. I’ll keep you posted. (P.S. if anyone happens to have an extra one of those little springs…)